photocopy/ fotocopia

  • Author

    Irina Botea

  • Country


  • Production year


  • Type

    video / experimental video

  • Category


  • Original title


  • Original title language


End or beginning of protest? Photocopy/ Fotocopia is a performance based on creating lists of words and gestures remembered from immersion in the 15m political movement. The process of reenactment was based upon experiences of participating in various meetings, marches and protests that took place in Barcelona during May-June 2011. Photocopy/Fotocopia creates a metaphorical and reflective arena outside of the main public demonstrations. Using Theatre of the Oppressed (Augusto Boal) exercises participants attempted to choreograph an interpretation of collective protest and the significance of individual agency. The performers communicate through a call-and-response dialogue based on rhythmical words and gestures taken out of context that generates a re-articulation and a reconfiguration of future protests. The symbolic re-contextualization of demonstrative actions raises questions about how spontaneous public protest can be transformed into a sustainable process of participatory democracy.

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