how to disappear completely / POEM #94

  • Author

    Boris Eldagsen

  • Country


  • Duration


  • Production year


  • Type

    video / experimental video

  • Category


  • Tags

    poem, poetic, absurd

My work revolves around the idea of losing yourself, from the metaphysical to the erotic. It explores a timeless human phenomenon: the urge to lose oneself. In referring to this phenomenon as either ‘Mysticism’ (Religion), ‘Transpersonality’ (Psychology), ‘Desire to Escape’ (Huxley) or ‘Transgression’ (Bataille), there has always been a redemptive mode to being human. As we can all disappear into something larger or smaller, the phenomenon can come in a positive or negative form, upward or downward: drugs, love, sex, hypnosis, religion, mass events, extreme sports etc. The list is endless, depending on time, culture and imagination.

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