Choreography for Toilets - Experiment 1

  • Author

    Andrea Nevi

  • Country


  • Duration


  • Production year


  • Type

    video / experimental video

  • Category


  • Tags

    performance, light, experimental, dance, time

Motion sensors are lighting control devices which are now widely used in public restrooms. These detectors turn lights on or off depending upon whether or not they sense body movement inside the room. Movement is required to restore the system back to its initial state. The sensor’s range and sensitivity are, however, unknown. So problem solving ordinarily proceeds through trial-and-error learning and no-one can really guess how people manage it behind closed doors. In this video performance, the toilet cubicle becomes a stage, a small-scale magic theatre in which the two performers, Martina Francone and Veronica Cornacchini, strive to detect the unseen.

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